The Division has a dedicated Call Centre Unit, which is capable of receiving high volume bulk instructions, is supported by a customised electronic debt collection management system which uses a variety of platforms, including SMS and email, to ensure repeat interaction with the debtor at the soft collections stage; with rapid escalation to the legal process on default with continued interaction with the debtor.
The Division has a dedicated Call Centre Unit, which is capable of receiving high volume bulk instructions, is supported by a customised electronic debt collection management system which uses a variety of platforms, including SMS and email, to ensure repeat interaction with the debtor at the soft collections stage; with rapid escalation to the legal process on default with continued interaction with the debtor.
The Division has a dedicated Call Centre Unit, which is capable of receiving high volume bulk instructions, is supported by a customised electronic debt collection management system which uses a variety of platforms, including SMS and email, to ensure repeat interaction with the debtor at the soft collections stage; with rapid escalation to the legal process on default with continued interaction with the debtor.
We believe we are in a unique position within the debt collection industry in that we have the systems, experience, technology and clout to produce real and significant results for our clients. We carry out debt collection for most of the major banks, financial institutions, insurance companies and various mid to large local and international companies in Botswana.
Our Financial Recoveries Division is headed by Nyaradzo Mupfuti. The Financial Recoveries attorneys have extensive experience in debt collection and civil litigation.
Traditionally, attorneys only became involved in the collections process once all other avenues of collection, e.g. in-house/credit bureaus/collections agencies, were exhausted. This system was both time consuming and expensive, with some matters taking years to come to fruition. Aware of the shortcomings of this model, we introduced a new approach which entails repeat interaction with the debtor in order to motivate them to pay.